Had intended to buy this book but after browsing it in the shop at Duxford I found it to be `Last of the Phantoms` revisited. There was very little new in the `Haynes`for those interested in the RAF version and I think that `Last of the Phantoms` has better (and more) pictures of the aircraft and that it is almost exclusively British whereas the Haynes seems to waste a lot of time on the American ones. Unless of course Ian is hoping to sell a few copies on that side of the Atlantic. Sorry but very disappointed. If you want a good aviation read the get Empire of the Clouds (Not the pictorial one)
I bought this thinking it would be fact, but there are so many glaring errors in it that I had to write to the publishers and to the author about the many many mistakes, like seeing the turbines from the intake, the RAT being on the right engine, and so many others it ruined it for me and he is thinking of publishing a second one soon...I just hope he listens to the engineers and gets it right. Aircrew should never write about what they don't know.