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Where are all the Phantomeers?

Hello Phantomeers, friends and colleagues! I still need a minimum of 100 personnel to attend the Phantomeers Reunion on 23 May 2015. Or 'yours truly' is going to get hit with financial penalties.

We have 80 people confirmed attending and paid up. If you are intending to come on the night, please let me know sooner rather than later. I cannot budget for extras like a Band, table décor etc etc until I know we have at least 100 people attending!

If we don't get the numbers for this event, it is unlikely I will put my 'head on the block' for organising the really big event on Saturday 31st March 2018 (the Centenary of the Royal Air Force - at Midnight)

My current thoughts are for a really big event to take place either Manchester or Birmingham and open ticket sales to all RAF Veterans of all Trades. My idea is we take over a big hotel for the entire weekend (with full backing of RAFA) and seek sponsorship from large and medium size Companies to help raise monies for RAFA. Ideally I am looking at 500-800 people (with Partners)to help celebrate this milestone for the Royal Air Force. The RAF came into existence on 1st April 1918 !!!

Any ticket sales would be restricted in the first three months to Phantomeers and then sales opened to organisations like RBL, Harrier Assocation (900 members)etc.etc.etc.

But none of this is likely to happen if I cannot fill my commitment of 100 personnel attending this years reunion.

Please let me have your thoughts - and your requests for this year's bash!