Sad news - Barrie Turner another Phantom Stalwart has sadly passed away yesterday morning 26th July - I understand he had been ill for a while but after seeing him at Sean's memorial Rugby match in Market Deeping last September I thought he had got through it and was on the mend. another friend who will be sadly missed.
I have fond memories of my time with Barrie. Most memorable was when we were on detachment to Baden Soellingen (I think it was here). After the first night Barrie turned up to work with absolutely NONE of his RAF kit - he'd swapped it all with the Canadians. JENGO went ballistic and told him to go and swap it back. Took him ages to retrieve some of his kit.
Am not really sure how I have 'missed' this message previously about Barrie! But am gutted to hear this news about his passing. I knew both Barrie and Sean and have fond memories of them both.
RIP Sean and Barrie. Two fine Phantomeers and absolute gentlemen!