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Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet

Hello All,

I need to set this cron job to run daily at 10 AM ,

anyone know how?
Thanks, Ed

include "config.php";

//Prevent abuse
$today = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("now"));
$query_i = "SELECT * FROM settings where name='lastresponder'";
$result_i = mysql_query ($query_i);
$row_i = mysql_fetch_array($result_i);
$lastsetting = $row_i["setting"];
$query123 = "update settings set setting='$today' where name='lastresponder'";
$result123 = mysql_query ($query123) or mailerror(cron1);

// Delete unverified emails > 30 days
$past30days = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-30 days"));
mysql_query("DELETE FROM subscribers WHERE joindate<='$past30days' and verified='0'") or mailerror(cron1a);

//Autoresponder script --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// select all autoresponder messages
$query="SELECT * FROM autoresponder";
$result=mysql_query ($query) or mailerror(cron2);

while($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$aday = $line["aday"];
$subjectarray[$aday] = $line["asubject"];
$messagearray[$aday] = $line["amessage"];
$topadarray[$aday] = $line["topad"];
$bottomadarray[$aday] = $line["bottomad"];
if ($totaladay <= $aday) $totaladay = $aday;

// select emailads
$queryad = "SELECT * FROM emailad WHERE adstatus='on'";
$resultad = mysql_query ($queryad) or die ("Query failed");
while($rowad = mysql_fetch_array($resultad)) {
$emailad[$x] = $rowad["admessage"];

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM subscribers WHERE verified='1' ORDER BY ID") or mailerror(cron3);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
$id = $row['id'];
$aday = $row['nmailout'] + 1;
if ($aday <= $totaladay) {
if ($subjectarray[$aday]<>""){

$subjectnew = $subjectarray[$aday];
$messagenew = $messagearray[$aday];

$firstname = $row["firstname"];
$email = $row["email"];
$ip = $row["ip"];
$code = $row["code"];
$joindate = $row["joindate"];

//select 2 random emailad.
$a1=$a ;
$a2=$a ;
if($topadarray[$aday]!="off") $topad = $emailad[$a1];
if ($bottomadarray[$aday]!="off") $bottomad = $emailad[$a2];

$subject = stripslashes($subjectnew);
$subject = str_replace("~firstname~", $firstname, $subject);

if($topadarray[$aday]!="off") $message = stripslashes($topad);
if($topadarray[$aday]!="off") $message .= "

$message .= stripslashes($messagenew);
$message = str_replace("~firstname~",$firstname,$message);
if ($bottomadarray[$aday]!="off") $message .= "

if ($bottomadarray[$aday]!="off") $message .= stripslashes($bottomad);
$message .= "

Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet

It should be obvious by now, that your probably not going to get an answer. Instead of posting the same question all over the forums, open a ticket with Bravenet. They are the only ones that can really help you. Ask them if they even support using cron jobs. If they do, ask them how you implement it.

Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet

Bravenet tells me for support , post here and why wouldn't I get a response, it is a fairly simple request for someone with knowledge in that area?

Enjoy your day,

Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet

Oh, One more thing,
Thanks for your help and advice, Philo

I wish you the same help and support when you have a problem.

Re: Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet

"somebody with knowledge in that area"

If Bravenet have told you that you are allowed to create a cron job then try a more specialist forum such as webmasterworld for advice on the specifics.

Re: Re: Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet

Thank You, I will, but I was hoping for instructions specific to bravenet and myslq. that is why I posted here.

Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet

Edward you are annoying

yes these forums are for help. But with things that YOU NEED TO ASK BRAVENET ON and you don't care to and things

well you will get the help the way you got it

as said if bravenet TOLD YOU they do allow chron jobs then find a forum that works more with help for it

otherwise good day....

OH and posting all over the forums because you didn't like Philo's answer won't get you anymore help either

Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet

I have been with bravenet as a pro member for 6 years now and have had to use this forum a total of 1 time.
It should be obvious that I am unfamiliar with forum rules and had no idea that there was zero tolerance with regards to new users. To all a great day and may I apologize for my grievous mistake in asking for help from more than one source. Be sure that it will not happen again.

I want to thank you all for your kind words and support.

Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet


Well, I tried to be as nice as I could be, and gave you a path to solve your problem. If you didn't like my answer, that's OK. After a few years you get use to this kind of thing when you try to help.

Note that the Bravenet Help area also says the following:

Use these resources to find help on any issue you may have. If you still have problems, feel free to open a support ticket and our friendly staff will get back to you as soon as they can.

If Bravenet tells you to come here for support, they are just passing the buck (pound, peso, euro, ?). Bravenet only provides the space for these forums and seldom visits. It's their way of telling you to "Go play in traffic". IMHO, someone with 6 years of paid hosting at Bravenet should be able to talk to an administrator directly. Did they tell you this in a trouble ticket, or did you just surmise it from the help area? Did you actually get an answer on whether they support cron jobs? Their answer should also include how to implement a cron job.

Your also wondering "why wouldn't I get a response?". While these are suppose to be a "user helping user" forums, when a users site is working OK, they seldom come here to provide their expertise. So you have only a small group of users, that only have answers for most of the issues that come up. All the users that might know the rest, can't seem to be bothered. You have been with Bravenet 6 years and are expecting an answer, even though you haven't tried to help anyone else. So, you also might try visiting these forums and providing some help yourself. If you provide some incorrect advice, don't worry, we will correct you.

I wish you the same help and support when you have a problem.

Since your new here, you probably also don't know that, I don't have problems and therefore, don't post questions. I only post answers. Have a nice day.

Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet

Well said Philo.

Mr. Forshaw, I think I can speak for all forum users when I say 'Go forth and multiply Eddie boy'.

Sir D'Anville O'M'Darlin'
Apostropher Royale

Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet


I am honored to have met someone who
"Never has problems"
It is a great skill to be able to adjust your own personal reality enough to be able to be comfortable putting a statement like that in print.
If there is a dictionary laying around in your parent's basement, [which is where I am quite sure you spend most of your time], I would suggest to you that you look up the difference between "answer" and response". The two words have entirely different meanings.
Your "Holier than Thou" response was in no way an answer,Nor was it in any way helpful.
I spend a good part of each day helping people but have never felt that I was skilled enough to be of help here or I would have spent more time on this forum. Nor do I ever insult or belittle anyone for asking questions. The only foolish question is the one you don't ask.
My businesses requires a lot of time which also prohibits me from spending as much time as I would like in the forums.After visiting your website, I can easily see why you would have so much free time to spend "answering" people looking for help in this forum.
Finally, I would ask You to please bestow upon us mere mortals Your secret for a Problem free life.
You could end all world suffering just by sharing Your secret.
You must indeed be a "Man among Men"
To your continued success,

Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet




Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet

"My businesses requires a lot of time...."

Sure. "Businesses".

That would be sites like the one that promises an endless stream of 5 dollar bills for 5 dollars, right?

"This opportunity works and by this time tomorrow, people from all over will be anxious to send you loads of $5 bills."

There's a word for that, and I'm sure business wasn't the word I was thinking of....

Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet

Thanks for the plug John, I almost forgot that was there, I have made over $2000 dollars and many friends with that site so I guess it qualifies as a business.

I have not promoted it for months though, thanks for reminding me about it.
I can't believe you all have nothing better to do than harass someone like this just for asking for a little help.

sad really, have a great day all.

Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet vale madre
jesuitas gangsters de niro leone morricone owner of narcotienditas mexico italy
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Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet

El cacique inFélix Salgado Macedonio afirmó que está suficientemente arraigado en la comunidad acapulqueña, pues “los
desarraigados son los que pierden”.
Así respondió a la solicitud que hizo el ex presidente municipal Alberto López Rosas a un juez civil para que decrete el arraigo
civil de Salgado Macedonio, lo cual le impedirá salir de Acapulco debido. dove si potranno denunciare i seguenti reati:
peña nieto narco infelix salgado tenorio señor cielos
amado fuentes
CARABINIERI in SICILIA con le mappe, i siti, le informazioni ei numeri di telefono. CARABINIERI , CARABINIERI , CARABINIERI , COMANDO REGIONE CARABINIERI ...
En la colonia Altos de Costa Azul se consultó a inFélix Salgado sobre la solicitud que hizo López mierRosas al juez quinto civil, Alfonso
Rosas Marín, para que ordene que el alcalde no salga de la ciudad o si lo hace que deje a un representante que tenga la
capacidad de asumir las consecuencias de la demanda que por daño moral presentó en su contra.
Al respecto, Salgado Macedonio respondió que “yo estoy suficientemente arraigado en la comunidad, los desarraigados son los
que pierden”.
Al indicarle que López Rosas argumentó que pidió el arraigo porque Salgado Macedonio “está generando condiciones de
desconfianza”, el alcalde porteño dijo que es un juicio que sigue su curso pero “no voy a litigar en los medios”, frase que utiliza
regularmente el gobernador Zeferino Torreblanca Galindo cuando evade algún tema.
Salgado Macedonio no quiso responder si era un exceso de López Rosas la solicitud de arraigo, pero dijo que no le sorprendió.
–¿Ya lo esperaba?
–Me espero muchas cosas más fuertes, pero yo soy hombre de retos y de mucha adrenalina y de emociones fuertes, voy a seguir
en la lucha, voy a seguir trabajando y nada y nadie me va a aplacar.
–¿Se reunirá con él?
–Soy su amigo, lo quiero mucho, lo estimo, lo aprecio, él lo sabe, somos diferentes, hicimos dos gobiernos diferentes, él es un
hombre inteligente y sabe encontrar la diferencia.
El dos veces ex diputado federal dijo que “me honra mucho eso” de no contar con propiedades a su nombre, que fue otra de las
razones que dio el alcalde para solicitar el arraigo.
De nuevo dijo que si ofendió a López Rosas le pide disculpas.
El 8 de septiembre pasado el ex alcalde López Rosas demandó a Salgado Macedonio, a su ex secretario de Finanzas, Alberto
Torreblanca Galindo, al ex contralor José Guillermo Navarrete Magdaleno y al actual secretario de Desarrollo Urbano y Obras
Públicas, Manuel Malváez Rosillo, por daño moral.
López Rosas exige una disculpa pública y una indemnización económica de cien mil pesos mensuales a partir de diciembre del
2005, cuando dejó el cargo, por la acusación –que ya se comprombó que era falsa— de Salgado Macedonio de que López Rosas
no había dejado dinero en las arcas municipales.

Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet

Thanks guys ... seems a very unnecessary and silly spat and not very helpful to anyone. I came to the forum hoping to find someone else who had done a cron job but after wading thru all the nonsense I still don't know if Bravenet allows cron jobs or how to do it.
I have always found the Forums friendly and helpful before so how about we keep it that way. In other words if you don't know or can't help don't post!

I will now go away and find out how to do it and will post my findings so that the next poor idiot like myself will actually find something helpful when they visit.

Browser: Firefox

Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet

All you had to do was do a Google search on the string "Bravenet cron job". You would have found this link:

Cron jobs and scheduled tasks

Don't be dredging up 6 month old posts. What happened on Bravenet 6 months ago almost never reflects the current Bravenet. Bravenet, and their users, change too often. If you search long enough in ANY user forums, not just Bravenet's, you will find threads like this. Learn to ignore them and don't associate yourself with their posts.

Browser: Firefox, Netscape, Sea Monkey, Internet Explorer, .....

OS: Solaris (Sparc,x86), Linux, XP

Re: Setting up a cron.php job using bravenet

Hi again
Well here is the answer directly from Bravenet support:

"At this time, we do not currently support cron jobs. Most scripts manage without by hooking their regular tasks to regular page loads, but if you need a dedicated cron service, I'd recommend They are extremely inexpensive and can trigger scripts on a variety of different schedules.

We will be adding a cron service in the future, but I don't know when that'll be."
Hope this helps.

Phil it is not a case of dredging up ... when someone wants help they will look thru all the posts first to see if there is anything useful before posting (certainly I do) and very often the answer is in those old posts. But it is annoying when looking to find nonsense like that ... so I guess I was just saying to anyone who comes across it - Don't do it. Be polite. Be helpful or don't post.

So now between you and I anyone coming here will actually find two answers.

Browser: Firefox