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Template Help

when I add a template to my site and view it, its all the content from the template, when I go to the wizard to edit content its back to my old website template, I hope I am asking this properly, I want to use a new template but don't know how to put my website content with it. sorry if this questions is confusing. if anyone can make sense of it and help, I greatly appreciate it.

Browser: Firefox

OS: Windows XP

Re: Template Help

Dear Pam,

You might be having the same problem I am having with the template adjustment you make not showing up after you click to publish it. I have had no adjustments that I have made showing up for many days now.I don't know if the web maker is malfunctioning or not, but it appears to me that it is. You could try several other templates just for testing to see if they actually are published after you make the changes, but I know they've not worked for mine yet. I have tried both Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers and the results are still malfunctioning. I'm hoping someone here will tell us when the malfunction will be fixed.


Re: Template Help

yeah, I tried it with a website I dont really use and not my business website just in case, I am glad I did because when I hit publish, and visit my site, I see the template but cannot change information on it, when I visit the website wizard and change content its the old template again.

Browser: Firefox

OS: Windows XP

Re: Template Help

Just so you are aware, it is not only the wizard doing this.

I have numerous websites that I create and support on other ISPs and write all of my code in Dreamweaver.

So far Bravenet is the only ISP I have encountered that is publishing part of, none of, some of the pages I have created. What's even more bizarre is that I cannot upload some of the files. I get this 550 error that says it cannot create a file because it doesn't exist.

But yet I am sitting here looking right at it and can see that yes, yes it does exist.

Browser: IE7

OS: Windoze

Re: Template Help

You can not use the manager and the wizard. If you are making changes in the editor you have update & publish using the editor - not the wizard.

Re: Template Help

How do you publish from the editor once you have used it? I am having trouble with this issue!!

Browser: Internet Explorer

Re: Template Help


Just saying "editor" is not enough information. It depends on which editor your talking about. The on-line Bravenet Text editor and Visual editor, or are you using some off-line editor, like I do.

The web site you link to is a Website Wizard creation. You have 5 or 6 pages, so you have probably figured out how to use the "publish website" link. The idea behind "publishing" from the Wizard is to, take the content you entered into the Wizard's data base and create web pages on your web site.

But, if your using the on-line Bravenet Text/Visual editors, the web page your editing is already on your web site. No need for another operation other than "Save". Once you save your work, your changes are immediately available to the internet. If you can't see them right away, it's probably due to your browser cache. Try issuing a couple of browser refreshes (F5 or Ctrl-R) to make your browser obtain updated data from your site.

If your using some other editor, you need to be more specific.

Note: If you are trying to use the Text/Visual editors on the file that the Wizard created, that is not a good idea. Any changes made outside of the Wizard will not be registered in the Wizard's data base. If you go back to the Wizard, at a later date, and use the "publish website" option, you will overwrite all of your changes. The Wizard does not ask questions. It just overwrites. Some users start their site with the Wizard, and then switch to using the Text/Visual editors. This is almost always a disaster. The Visual editor tends to delete some important tags and structures that the Wizard created page required.

Browser: Firefox, Netscape, Sea Monkey, Internet Explorer, .....

OS: Solaris (Sparc,x86), Linux, XP