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Using zipped file for customers to download

Hi I am not sure where to ask this, but chose this forum hoping someone here can help me.

I am going to be having a product to sell. It is a course that will include audio files and pdf files. My friend told me that I have to put them together in a file folder and then zip it. I would assume then, that file could be put on the webpage once they pay for the product. So they pay for it, I send them to a webpage where they can download the file. Is it that easy? Do I store that file on bravenet? Right in the webpage files section? Do I need the ftp stuff? I know nothing about all that, sorry.

I also thought of putting the product on clickbank..but again they would need a webpage for the client to be directed to....

I am willing to learn all this because I will have more products in 2010.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Browser: IE and Firefox

Re: Using zipped file for customers to download

It can be that simple. And you don't even have to know "the ftp stuff", you should be able to upload in File Manager if you prefer.

However, when you put it on a webpage, of course there is a chance that your customers will tell all their friends to go there too.

But if the product involves the Divine Guidance offered on your web page, maybe that is not a worry. In fact, you may well just link directly to the page, and post a notice there saying "Please note: Not a free download. Send $XXX to...."

I should think people mostly belong to two groups. Those who think this is just nonsense (me, say. Sorry. No offense, please). And your potential customers. I should think anyone willing to pay for a way to Divine Guidance would be more than slightly less likely to simply steal the stuff than the average visitor.

Size may be a problem. I assume they are too big to be simply sent by email. Could be they are also to big for many people to download from a webpage, in which case you may want to let people download the files one at a time - or even mail them on a CD. What sort of filesizes are we talking about here?

Re: Using zipped file for customers to download

Hi Corwings, thanks for the reply. Yes, the folder would contain some text on pdf and several audios..about four that are 90 minutes long and several 10 minute audios too.

I am on holidays right now and won't be back until next week. I will send more info when I get back...

Thanks for your response, I do appreciate your honesty....and no, no offense taken. My products are not for everyone. The current product is a course on how to tap into your own inner guidance and there are three or four lessons so that is why I need a way to get it to the client. I was hoping to NOT make CD's to send out. AFter Christmas that is how it will be sold. For now because of lack of time, I was hoping to have them download it right from a webpage.

Thanks again for the input. I will get back next week and can deal with all this...

Love and blessings,
Barbara Marie

Browser: IE and FireFox

Re: Using zipped file for customers to download

Several hours of audio? No way that isn't going to exclude at least some of your visitors. Even a mp3 of a few minutes can be too much for those still struggling with phone lines and modems. Getting fewer every day, true. But there will also be quite a number with what is being marketed as broadband connections that won't be able to cope.

Re: Using zipped file for customers to download

OKay I am glad I could get to a computer....thank you! My first instinct was to have each file lesson one would have a 90 minute audio, and two small audios of about 8 minutes each..then the pdf files...I think two of them. BUT my friend said ..oh no, just put everything in a file folder, then zip it...then they can download the zipped file and then unzip it on their computer....

Soooo does that make a difference Corwings? What do you think? Then I guess I would also need a server to store that file....give me a url for it...then use that on the webpage... am I correct on this?

Thanks for your time...

Browser: IE and FireFox

Re: Using zipped file for customers to download

I'm not at all convinced that the web is the place for 90 minutes audio files. But that may depend on your compression software. How large is the smallest 90 minute file?

Re: Using zipped file for customers to download

Corwings...I will have to get home to check on that...that should be Tuesday some time.
Thanks and blessings..I will get back to you then..
Barbara Marie

Browser: IE and FireFox