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Bravenet on cell phones

Hey everyone,

I was wondering if anyone is able to use bravenet visual or text editor via their cell phone?

I have a blackberry and I am unable to edit my websites using bravenet editor. It doesn't let me right click on any file pages. Does anyone have a phone that does allow it? Maybe an iphone or something?


Re: Bravenet on cell phones


Bravenet really wasn't designed to be used from a smartphone. As far as editing your Bravenet website on your blackberry you may have better luck using a third party browser like Opera Mini. The blackberry browser is pretty limited.

But honestly I really not sure how well it will work.

I doubt you are going to be able to right click in the editor on the blackberry but you should be able to go back to the Bravenet file manager and left click a file to edit it. At least I was able to do that in Opera Mini on my blackberry.

Hope this helps,