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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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hi dr getty you have helped me in the past with my horse beauty whom i'm delighted in however i could do with your advice on my husbands mare, we have just purchased her she is 16.3hh shire x a big gentle lady shes 10 yr but green,previous owners i gather just turned her out and she didn't do much. we are bringing her in at night and feeding hay at the moment i've just introduced a handful of pasture mix morning and night plus carrots and one scoop of pink powder (pro biotic) in each feed.she does look really well as i've never had a horse this breed i know they are good to keep their weight on, i want to be giving her right feed and enough coming into winter. she has unlimited grazing in the day and rode 3 times a week. we recently lost a mare with grass sickness i'm scared to death of getting it wrong thanks so much joanne

Where are you from? england

How did you locate this forum? equine search engine

Re: feeding

Hi Joanne,

She sounds absolutely lovely! And, I understand your concern in wanting to feed her well.

I'm not clear on what the ingredients are in the "pasture mix" you're feeding. The probiotic is fine, and carrots are ok, but don't feed too many because they are high in sugar and depending on her weight and overall health history, this could be a problem.

Basically, feed her all the grass hay she wants along with some alfalfa. In addition to this, I would suggest a vitamin/mineral supplement to fill in any gaps. If she hasn't been wormed in a while, you may want to have your vet administer a worming agent, since you could cause her to colic by worming her yourself.

Keep me posted!

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: feeding

Thanks so much for the great advice is it ok to feed the other 2 horses alfalfa as well they are on herbal quiet mix and pro-biotic also unlimited grass and hay at night rode out 3 times a week thanks again dr getty after having such a knock in losing maggie who we loved so much you kind of blame yourself for a while you give me confidence to think i'm getting it right again joanne

Where are you from? england

How did you locate this forum? equine search engine

Re: feeding

Hi Joanne,

Certainly -- it's fine to feed a healthy horse alfalfa and grass hays. Alfalfa is a legume, and it provides additional amino acids that grass hay has less of, thereby producing a high quality protein.

You're doing wonderfully. If you find that they need additional energy because they are working, you can give them some complete ration designed for the age and work intensity.

Let me know how things progress.

Best regards,

Dr. Getty