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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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feeding QH mare on stall-rest with daily walking

I have a 6 yr old QH mare with a slight suspensory injury to her left front (mid-suspensory, no lesions, good fiber pattern, just enlarged). She has been on stall (w/small attached paddock) rest since mid-December 2006. She is walked by hand or undersaddle 40 minutes per day and will continue that for another 6 -8 weeks. She is stressed at being stall-bound and is hard to walk. She received a shot of fluphenazine in mid-December which seemed to help. She still has her moments, both in the stall and out, when she gets upset and will pace in the stall & small attached paddock. Sometimes she will try to rear or buck while being walked. She was quiet & docile before her injury. Her appetite hasn't been the best and she has lost a little weight. She is fed grass hay (3 times a day), a small amount of Equine Senior with Platinum Performance, Smartpak's Smartflex Repair, 1/2 lb Natural Glo Rice Bran, 1 oz OmegaHorseshine, & Finish-Line's U-7 and Thia-Cal. Please advise on her diet. We need her to be happy, healthy, eating well and CALM!!! Thank you so much!

Where are you from? Napa, California

How did you locate this forum? Internet search (Google)

Re: feeding QH mare on stall-rest with daily walking

Hi Gayle,

Thank you for writing about your mare. Stall rest is definitely stressful for horses, so it comes as no surprise that she's not her normal self. Your feeding plan is good. I have a couple of suggestions:

1. Make sure she has hay 24/7 so she doesn't run out. This will not only help her keep her weight up, but will help prevent an ulcer. She secretes acid in her stomach all the time and if she doesn't have something to chew on (which produces saliva, and hence neutralizes acid), her likelihood of developing an ulcer is high.

2. Add Quiessence to her diet -- I would recommend 2 ounces per day for 1000 lb horse. This will calm her (without the use of medication) and will also help her maintain her weight.

3. And, finally, if she were my gal, I would give her Ration Plus to help the existing bacterial flora in her hind gut to derive more benefit from her forage. This will also calm her because these bacteria are responsible for producing important B vitamins.

I hope this is helpful.

Keep me posted,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: feeding QH mare on stall-rest with daily walking

Dr. Getty:

A general question about Quiessence - does it calm a horse down right away, or does it take a few days? Just wondering....


Where are you from? Tennessee

How did you locate this forum? google search

Re: feeding QH mare on stall-rest with daily walking

Hi Nancy,

It really depends on the horse and the degree of deficiency. I have seen Quiessence make a difference in as little as a week. And, for some horses, it can take a month or more.

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: feeding QH mare on stall-rest with daily walking

Thanks, Gr. Getty!

HMMM. I wonder if a couple of people I know need some magnesium added to their diets!

Where are you from? Tennessee

How did you locate this forum? google search

Re: feeding QH mare on stall-rest with daily walking

Actually, many people do not get enough magnesium, now that you mention it!

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO