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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Glanzen lite complete

I don't have any particular "problem" with my horse, per se, but after reading a couple of your posts, I began to wonder... I have a 7yr old Andalusian gelding, whom was gelded at 5(2010). I have noticed this passed year that his mane and forelock have shrunk, broken gradually or something, because they are half of the length they were in pitcures of spring 2010. His tail, thank god, is still great. I wondered if that had to do with gelding, or nutrition. I have him on a smartpak calming product as he was SUPER spooky last year, and that seems to have helped with that.

Basically, I'd like to supplement with those vital vitamins, the hoof biotins and "natural additude adjustment" vitamins are a plus.. Do I need the Glanzen-lite complete product? Or Glanzen complete? Is the "lite" for people trying to get weight off of their horses?

And, if I do go with the glanzen product, should I discontinue the other calming supplemtation?

Thanks so much!


Where are you from? NH

How did you locate this forum? From another forum, then a search on glanzen

Re: Glanzen lite complete

Hi Danielle,

When the hair starts to suffer, it is an indication that the horse does not have enough nutrients to go around. Your horse uses what he has in order of priority -- that being to stay alive. So he'll first feed his heart, liver, lungs, kidneys -- vital organs. Then, if there are nutrients left over, he'll feed his hair, skin, joints, eyes, etc.

So, you're on target with giving him a flaxseed meal based (for omega 3s) vitamin/mineral supplement that provides extra B vitamins. The Glanzen Complete is virtually the same as the Glanzen Lite Complete except that the Glanzen Lite Complete has less fat (you feed less) so it is beneficial for an overweight horse. And it also tastes better (slightly reduced mineral levels, which are bitter tasting). So, picky eaters do better with Glanzen Lite Complete.

I recommend that you discontinue the calming supplement for a month to see how he does on the Glanzen Complete (or Lite Complete) -- the B vitamins may be all he needs. But, if you find that it is not helping as much as you'd like, it could be a borderline magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is necessary for nervous system function and many horses do remarkably better when given a small amount. For this, go with MMX -- one scoop per day.

Keep me posted!

All the best,

Dr. Getty
Author of Feed Your Horse Like A Horse

I don't have any particular "problem" with my horse, per se, but after reading a couple of your posts, I began to wonder... I have a 7yr old Andalusian gelding, whom was gelded at 5(2010). I have noticed this passed year that his mane and forelock have shrunk, broken gradually or something, because they are half of the length they were in pitcures of spring 2010. His tail, thank god, is still great. I wondered if that had to do with gelding, or nutrition. I have him on a smartpak calming product as he was SUPER spooky last year, and that seems to have helped with that.

Basically, I'd like to supplement with those vital vitamins, the hoof biotins and "natural additude adjustment" vitamins are a plus.. Do I need the Glanzen-lite complete product? Or Glanzen complete? Is the "lite" for people trying to get weight off of their horses?

And, if I do go with the glanzen product, should I discontinue the other calming supplemtation?

Thanks so much!


Where are you from? Bayfield, CO