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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Re: Red Cal salt/mineral product...

Hi Jane,

I don't like RedCal for three reasons. First, it contains diatomaceous earth. There are no long terms studies to conclude its safety and whether or not it creates microscopic cuts in the digestive system lining. It may not, but until I know more, I prefer to err on the side of caution (just my opinion).

Second, it contains garlic. Garlic is toxic to horses and can cause Heinz body anemia. If it is cooked, it is not toxic but if it is cooked, it loses its activity.

And third, it contains mineral oil. Mineral oil removes B vitamins from the digestive system and they end up in the manure.

I recommend simply feeding plain, white salt. That's what horses need. You can also offer a mineralized block, but if you are feeding a commercially fortified feed, or any vitamin/mineral supplement, the horses are already getting minerals. It's salt that they require. A white salt block plus some granulated free choice salt (Kosher salt is nice because it is more coarsely ground), will allow horses to get what their bodies need.

All the best,

Dr. Getty
Author of Feed Your Horse Like A Horse

Dr. Getty, I know how important it is to get sodium into my horses, so I supplement loose salt every day. What about this product and his claims here? I agree a "block" of either salt or minerals is not good for our horses for so many reasons, but does this product provide a balance of minerals you would recommend?

Where are you from? Waverly, Ohio